Creating Values

As part of a globally connected world in which every good seems to be immediately and unlimitedly available, we grow up with a carelessness and at the same time ignorance and consume without thinking holistically.

Grenz/gang makes it its mission to make us and our fellow human beings more aware of their immediate environment.

We wonder if we have lost sight of what constitutes value.

We need to rethink our general idea of ​​value creation - its meaning has shifted over decades and while values ​​are increasingly oriented towards price and the market, it is time to understand again that value is not a question of price.

For us, creating value, both materially and ideally, means thinking and acting regionally, sustainably, transparently and authentically.

Born from Alpine tradition - reduced to a timeless design, we continue our roots in the Alpine region. Honesty and consistency are what define us - without losing any of our charm.
The value of every single piece of clothing from Grenz/gang lies in the love for the product and the dedication to detail. Only through quality can we restore dignity to the product and only by making added value visible can appreciation take place.

It is time to rediscover what is valuable.
Creating values, sharing values, protecting values ​​and preserving values ​​- these are the four pillars on which our ideology is based.

Globally oriented and locally added value - for us this means thinking and acting regionally, sustainably and authentically. We perceive the spirit of the times and act trend-oriented, not trend-driven, so that we never lose sight of ourselves and our values.

Our creative space

Each piece tells its own story. We deliberately do not relocate our production overseas. Small, regional craft businesses produce our collections based on their traditional processing techniques and can thus preserve their craftsmanship. This enables us to have short delivery routes and ecologically sound production: whether the nostalgic factory in the Swabian Alb, the tailor's factory near Verona, our in-house production directly on the wine route in Eppan near Bolzano, or the material suppliers from Bavaria and Austria; they all stand by their names when it comes to the quality of their goods.